Opinionated Logic

Personal thoughts, (il)logically considered.

Robbing Peter (VZW) to pay Paul (T-Mobile)

Or, how I saved enough on my wireless bill to afford buying a new phone each year

I like technology. It's kind of my thing. I do believe human use of computers will be the downfall of mankind but (besides that minor drawback), what computers—especially networked computers—allow us to accomplish as a civilization is actually quite amazing. After the release of …

Prevent iTerm2 Profile window from showing up each startup

So this is an annoying one. After finally updating to iTerm2 version 3.0 one of the things that really annoyed me was a Profiles window that showed up each startup. I ignored this for about a year because it would only be an intermittent problem1. I've been restarting this MacBo…

Homebrew Dynamic DNS with the Linode API

Over the years I've set up a variety of private cloud services. In addition to gaining expertise in these services for clients who would rather rely on their own infrastructure, it's also made me less dependent on web company services which could (and have) disappeared at inconve…

Troubleshooting Piwik database errors.

Do you know what's not fun? Troubleshooting database errors. Imagine you've set up piwik on a client's server. You have everything installed, configured, and running. You're testing out various features, you know, to make sure they work as advertised before handing off to the cli…

Piwik installer has PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in core/FrontController.php

For three nights I struggled with trying to figure out why I could not get Piwik's web analytics software to load it's installation page successfully. I was attempting to migrate it from a FreeBSD 10 server to a FreeBSD 11 jail and nothing, nothing I did was working. I kept on ge…


My family and I go to church together. It's one "our things" I guess. On our most recent vacation we were going to miss being in church so my wife suggested we just do church with all the family at the vacation site. She planned the songs, got the music and words for t…