Opinionated Logic

Personal thoughts, (il)logically considered.

Set up an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) virtual private server

Update This is how-to guide is essentially unfinished. Reason? Systemd. Once I realized that Ubuntu 16.04 was using systemd as the init system I decided to start looking at other operating systems to use for my servers. If you care about this sort of thing I written down my reaso…

Yosemite OpenSSH is too old to read ECDSA SSH keys

Yosemite SSH is too old to read ecdsa SSH keys? As you may, or may not know, I am a Front-end user interface engineer.1 I got a new Macbook Pro from work recently, to better facilitate my developer duties.2 Prior to this I was working on my personal machine with Arch Linux instal…

Enable repeating keys in OSX Yosemite

Newer versions of OS X have opted to disable a feature I use quite a lot, in order to retain consistent with behavior on iOS. That feature is the ability to hold down on a keyboard key and have it repeat until you stop pressing. To enable repeating keys in OS X yosemite enter the…

Globbing in Zsh doesn't work with scp

Since switching to zsh I've run into a variety of issues with globbing1 and other features not working the way I was used to with bash. This post is about resolving another of those issues. Today I was trying to scp some cachegrind files from a remote box and got the following er…

Grace: for computer programmers

A few years ago my son and I were talking about what he learned in church that Sunday. The end result of that conversation was that I was going to do some reading and then teach him about Grace. Not just any old grace mind you, but God's grace. Fast forward a few years and he sti…

Configuring Xorg on a Brix Mini PC to work with the Mitsubishi WS-55513 HD1080 rear projection TV

Or, how to get your pc to output video to the WS-55513 without massive overscan

I recently bought a barebones mini PC system with the intent of setting it up as a video game and video streaming server. After a lot of searching and reading of reviews, I settled on an AMD based Brix PC from Gigabyte, the Gigabyte AMD A8-5545M. Unfortunately, by the time I was …